Best Bikini Waxing Tips and Tricks

For whatever reason, it feels like everyone gets Brazillian’s but nobody talks about it. If you’re daring to go bare down there for the first-time or are just in need of some helplful pointers, here’s a few tips and tricks and everything you can expect of your bikini waxing experience.

1. Pop a pain pill before going

Yes, it hurts. The adjective I prefer to use is “intense.” It’s succinct and perfectly sums up the experience. But don’t let this scare you, there’s plenty of remedies to help alleviate the pain. One easy and favorite trick is to pop a Tylenol or other pain-relieving medication about 30-45 minutes before your appointment. It’ll totally help minimize any pain and discomfort.

2. Check your calendar

Here’s one tip I didn’t know until the second time I ever went in: don’t book an appointment right before you get your period. The area is much more sensitive about a week before and during your menstrual cycle so the pain will be much more intense. Plan ahead, check your calendar and be sure to plan your waxing session accordingly.

3. Numbing creams

I’ve never tried this before but people swear by No-Scream Cream. It’s a topical anesthetic that helps numb the area before you go in for a wax. You apply 35-45 minutes before your appointment to decrease any waxing discomfort. You can get No -Scream Cream and other bikini waxing products in the collection at

4. Exfoliate

Exfoliate the day before your appointment for better results. You’ll remove dead skin cells and soften your hair follicles and skin. It will also help prevent ingrown hairs.

5. After-care

For redness you can apply some aloe vera or a hydrocortisone cream to treat bumps or ingrown hairs. I also hear bliss Ingrown Eliminating Pads are quite fantastic. You can get them at

6. Skip the gym

Some of us learn this lesson the hard way……don’t go to the gym. Wait about 24 hours as the sweat and rubbing of the clothes is just going to irritate the skin and that won’t be fun.